RAYDIAX presented to Olaf Scholz

As part of the STIMULATE research campus, we presented our science spin-off RAYDIAX to German chancellor Olaf Scholz yesterday. In the conversation, we had the opportunity to explain insights into the technical development of our world's first therapy assistance CT for cancer treatment. Further focus was also to talk about the successful process of transferring university research results into a commercially operating medical technology company. As a team of (former) scientists and students of OvGU, we are able to follow this path with the help of outstanding funding programs from the BMBF and BMWK.
From our point of view, the Chancellor's visit to the STIMULATE research campus in Magdeburg demonstrates the outstanding visibility that has been established in the field of MedicalEngineering in recent years. We are proud and excited to be a part of Magdeburg's continued development into a globally visible medical technology center that will sustainably improve medical care with technical and clinical innovations.
Ready for Innovation?
We know that the methods of minimally invasive therapies continue to offer great potential for clinical innovation. Would you also like to establish your operating technique? Make a suggestion, define a joint project and research your case on our system in phantom studies. And of course we are open to clinical publications.