
Otto-Hahn-Strasse 2
39106 Magdeburg, Germany

Represented by:

Thomas Hoffmann

Register court: Amtsgericht Stendal
Register number: HRB 31220
USt-IdNr.: DE351661418


Phone: +49 391 67 57027


Despite careful inspection of our content, we may have inadvertently made a mistake. If you have any concern regarding our accuracy, please bring it to our attention using the contact information below.
We cannot, and do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The operators of the linked sites are exclusively responsible for their own content. However, in the event that protective rights may have been violated by the information on this website, or that a trademark or copyright violation could have occurred, you are requested to inform us and we will immediately eliminate the alleged legal violation. A warning notice is not required and therefore it is not our responsibility to pay legal expenses responding to such a notice.
Prompt notification serves both sides. You may know that the violation of trademark rights through keyword advertising are partially supported and partially rejected by the courts. Test cases, in which this question should be clarified by the Federal Court of Justice, are underway. It is therefore not necessary to initiate new court proceedings for comparable cases.